Monday, February 13, 2012

Gaining ground, losing fear

On a vision board I made is this photo:

Over a year ago, I was going to start this, now I am doing it. I have found I tend to contradict myself, get frustrated, defeat myself and give up. I am no longer going to do this. I have an interesting, if sometimes difficult, journey. I believe God has an incredible, passionate, well planned purpose just for me- and I am finally at the place where I want to experience it- head on, full tilt. At 36, I suppose it's past time. But at 36, I finally have decided I am worth it. I hope you'll join me in this- to be honest I am scared. And that's a big deal for me- FEAR. I ahve been driven by fear for so long, that getting moving can be an ordeal. But, I have three incredible boys:

Jonah (L), Solomon, Alex (R)

they watch everything I do- and I see a lot of me in them-including some fear factors (not that terrible TV show). So, I have decided to face my fears, stop being a someday girl, and live up to my full potential. Being public about my journey adds some accountability, honesty and drive to see where my path goes. I am excited. Along the way, I will share my story, food (I love cooking, eating and hosting get togethers), and failures (there's a lot of those). Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Amanda! You are an inspiration to me! YOU go girl! Thank you for being the kick in the rear that I needed to keep plugging away at my blog. I can't wait to continue reading your posts. Happy Valentine's Day! ♥ Lyn Blanc-Carpenter
