Sunday, January 27, 2019

Know Where You Begin

Know where you begin

An interesting phenomena of being in the health/fitness/healthcare industries is how few people really know where their bodies are. Folks don’t know their current weight, blood pressure, resting/max heart rates. It’s mandatory to know where you start in order to run the race in its entirety. 

The greatest hurdle is getting on the scale. I know- I really do. I battled eating disorders for many years- I used stand backward on the scale, fearful of it’s disclosure- all #85. I was sick. ON the opposite side of that coin, is my current journey. I’ll spare great detail for an upcoming blog post, but in short order, I went from competitive athlete, crazy active, to bedridden, body nearly shut down. Lack of exercise, medications, hospitalizations, depression, a body in upheaval- I put on weight- a lot of weight. 

I had never, other than pregnancies, been heavier than #130. Even while pregnant I gained only #20-27. And then I got sick. At my heaviest I was #240- double my prior max. It was so tough. And I would consistently make my situation WAY worse. I’d get clearance to workout, get into the gym with all the vigor I could muster, workout like I always had…and then be in bed or the hospital for days. This very sick cycle lasted for years. Honestly, I’m grateful- if surprised- I’m alive. 

The principals I’ve used for clients, friends, family, corporations are being re-instilled in self. The foundational guidelines I use in re-establishing lives and communities are reseeded in the soil of my life. 

I once again know where I begin. I know all my vitals. I know, more accurately, I accept my limitations. I am kinder, gentler, more soft and loving to myself- in all respects. I’m blessed with folks who lift me up, walk the journey beside me, believe in me, and help my remember how far I’ve come. 

Keys to success: the desire to begin is all you need to get started; consistency is key, write you stuff down!, a goal is a dream with a deadline- make goals using S.M.A.R.T. method (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound). 

Start small. Start simple. Writing down part of your day can be difficult to begin, but it becomes invaluable in truly seeing your progression when you can’t feel it. Sometimes I just write a few words- how long I walked, what I was feeling that day, what I ate, WHY I ate- very eyeopening in the food/emotion relationship. I only get on the scale once a week- usually at the doctor due to the frequency of my visits.  

I started small and now implement disciplines. I write more frequently now- not just this journey, but life overall. I take no day for granted. Living fully and living alive are overwhelmingly exciting again. I’m grateful. 

This is mostly about you taking care of you because you’re important. You are needed here on this Earth. Your value is immeasurable. Your story matters, and it will change the life of someone else. <3 

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